U-Prep Test Prep
Test Prep for Every Student
Our Cyber Monday Sale is today only! Don’t miss out on this amazing deal on our Live ACT Bootcamp!
U-Prep Test Prep offers something for every student.
Our mission is to help students go from beginners to experts on the ACT/SAT to reach their goal score and have the future they deserve!
Online Courses
We currently offer online courses for ACT Prep. Look for PSAT and SAT courses coming in May!
Diagnostic & Practice Testing
We offer diagnostic testing and practice tests for both ACT (paper test) and digital SAT. Test results are in a detailed report, and a personalized study plan is included with diagnostic testing. An optional virtual meeting is included to go over your results.
Virtual Tutoring
We offer virtual tutoring sessions in conjunction with some of our online courses as well as part of our private tutoring options.
U-Prep Test Prep’s programs are known for:
Building Confidence
Discover how our comprehensive online test prep programs empower students to gain the confidence they need to excel. From personalized study plans to expert guidance, we're dedicated to fostering growth and self-assurance every step of the way.
Flexibility and Convenience
Our online test prep programs allow students to study at their own pace and on their own schedule, making it accessible to those with busy lifestyles or conflicting commitments.